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Szenario: Biblioleaks in der Biomedizin


Im Journal of Medical Internet Research entwerfen Adam G. Dunn, Enrico Coiera und Kenneth D. Mandl ein Szenario, im dem das wissenschaftliche Publikationswesen dasselbe Schickal erleidet wie andere Branchen der inhaltevertreibenden Industrien: die Kunden organisieren sich ihren eigenen illegalen Zugang.

Is Biblioleaks Inevitable? – Journal of Medical Internet Research. Apr 2014; 16(4): e112.


In 2014, the vast majority of published biomedical research is still hidden behind paywalls rather than open access. For more than a decade, similar restrictions over other digitally available content have engendered illegal activity. Music file sharing became rampant in the late 1990s as communities formed around new ways to share. The frequency and scale of cyber-attacks against commercial and government interests has increased dramatically. Massive troves of classified government documents have become public through the actions of a few. Yet we have not seen significant growth in the illegal sharing of peer-reviewed academic articles. Should we truly expect that biomedical publishing is somehow at less risk than other content-generating industries? What of the larger threat—a “Biblioleaks” event—a database breach and public leak of the substantial archives of biomedical literature? As the expectation that all research should be available to everyone becomes the norm for a younger generation of researchers and the broader community, the motivations for such a leak are likely to grow. We explore the feasibility and consequences of a Biblioleaks event for researchers, journals, publishers, and the broader communities of doctors and the patients they serve.

Ich halte das Szenario einer massenhaften Veröffentlichung – wie die Autoren – für wenig wahrscheinlich. Vor allem, da die meisten Wissenschaftler, die Interesse an so etwas hätten, ein gewaltiges Karriererisiko eingehen würden. Und die wenigsten dieser Wissenschaftler schuften jahrelang, um sich dann massive Klagen einzuhandeln, solange es Alternativen wie die Fernleihe gibt. Die ist zwar etwas langsamer als ein sofortiger Download, aber eindeutig geeigneter für risiko-averse Wissenschaftler.

Via Pubmed Central ist der Text des Artikels auch frei verfügbar.

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